Hello Everyone...
I am glad to see that everyone is having a great summer vacation....
This past week has been crazy...and we are starting the last week of transfers....Which is crazy...this month and a half has gone by so quick...We have implimented so many different rules and things and we have seen a difference in the missionary work here specifically in Puerto Penasco...All of our missionaries here have been really good with all of the changes and we are even more excited for the next transfer....
This week we had 2 more baptisms of Ofelia and her daughter Rosa...I talked a little bit about Ofelia about 3 weeks or so...Ofelia is amazing..About a year ago the missionaries stopped passing by Ofelias house because she was not progressing....and we passed by 4 weeks ago or so and began to teach her again...she told us that in the time when the missionaries werent passing by her husband died and she says it was and still is super hard for her...and even when the missionaries werent passing by she was reading the Book of Mormon to feel better when she was feeling sad...So we found her again repassed through the Mission Lessons and she has been coming to church ever since with all of her kids...She also has started to read the Book of Mormon with her kids everynight... So it was an amazing opportunity to witness her baptism...We hope that in the following weeks the rest of the children will be able to be baptized....
I am a little short on time...But I just have to say how cool it is to have such great unity in the companionship...I learned in this transfer this lesson...That if only one of the companions is doing what he should and is focusing on what he should...they will only have half of the success....but when both of the companions have the same purpose and focus and are obedient you can really see miracles happen everyday...Just a little marriage advice for anyone who needs it...
Love you all
Elder Child