Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hard Lessons of the Mission

Hello Everyone....
Hope everyone is doing really well...

This week went really well...I wrote last week that this week we would put our emphasis on Going to Church...so we did we taught a bunch of people investigators and members....We worked super hard...Saturday we went and checked all of our Investigators to see if they were going to come to church everyone was super excited and promised that they would come to church....(This was saturday night) Sunday morning we were expecting a lot of people at church and at 8:00 we were at the door of the Church waiting...and No one came...none of our investigators came to church...it was horrible...I felt really bad...and We were pretty dissapointed with everyone...Elder Dipko and I were talking about it after and I told him that I cannot believe no one came to church...Elder Dipko was a little frustrated also...But then I thought of something super Interesting...that it is the Same with our Heavenly Father...We have been given this Gospel to live and then if we live it we have a promise that we can live with our Families forever....and so we make promises with our Heavenly Father...and when we are tested we fall...we fall all the time over and over....we keep breaking commandments and then we repent and keep following the path until we fall again...Heavenly Father is so Patient...It is one attribute I am trying to have with our investigators.... This was quite the humbling experience also...

...But we still had a good week and we met a lot of new people to teach so we are going to try a couple of new things this week...to see if we can bring more People to Church on Sunday...

I am running out of time but before I end I have to share an experience that we had while on exchanges this week...We went to teach one of our investigators about Prayer....and it was such a great experience when the spirit could testify through my companion and I..about the importance of Prayer...WIth the help of the Spirit we were able to make Prayer more aplicable to him...We asked our investigator if he could say the Closing prayer and he accepted and it is always amazing to hear a person pray for the first time it is something very sacred to me those experiences but with this Hermano you could really sense him trying to figure out who his Heavenly Father is and to figure out if he really answers prayers...By the end we were all crying...It was a great experience...

Ok thanks for everything sorry for such a short letter...hope you all have a great week....
Love Elder Child

PIC Helping an Hermana with the Dishes...She told me I had to wear her apron so I wouldnt get anything on my White Shirt haha...and she told me to get on my knees so that she wouldnt look so short haha

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